Risk Analysis
Analysis of the corruption risks to which your company is exposed. The result of the risk analysis is the starting point for the implementation of the Compliance System.


Evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the processes and the Compliance System established in your company.


Coaching and Implementation
COMPLIANCE COACH supports you in adapting or improving your existing Compliance System, or in implementing a new Compliance System.


IT Tools
COMPLIANCE COACH supports you in the application of IT Tools for your Compliance tasks, in all phases from the selection of the appropriate tool up to the test phase and roll-out in your company.


Remote Compliance Officer
COMPLIANCE COACH assumes the role of the Compliance Officer for your company – either on a long term basis, or to compensate for a short term shortage of staff.
The specific tasks and the duration of the physical presence at your company will be agreed upon individually. These times of on-site presence will be complemented by remote support (out of my own office), during which I am available via email and telephone.